Calvary City Church Tawau, Formerly known as Calvary Charismatic Church, takes on a new name in 2010 to better reflect the development and progress of the ministry of the Church. From a little charismatic church that was pioneered in 1980/81, it has impacted the Churches round about to wake up to the power of living Christ.
The Church has now shifted from being "Charismatic" into her "Apostolic call" to pastor the whole city and impact nations in line with God is doing at this present age.
The vision of Calvary City Church Tawau:
Calvary City Church is affiliated to the Assemblies of God of Malaysia.
斗湖加略山城市教会(Calvary City Church Tawau),之前名为加略山灵恩教会(Calvary Charismatic Church),到了2010年以这新的名称来反映出教会事工的发展与前进。这间在1980、1981年间开拓的小小灵恩教会,已经带给周围教会影响,而对活着的基督的能力醒觉起来。这教会已经从“灵恩”转型进入“使徒性呼召”,来牧养整个城市和影响国家,这是跟神在这个时期所做的事是平行的。

WHY WE EXIST? 为何我们存在?
We are here to fulfill God's Kingdom purpose. We realize God's plan for us is not just to build churches but establish God's Kingdom in our heart, live, family, business, city and nations. That was the heart cry of our Lord Jesus right up tp the moment He was taken up to heaven.
To enable us to be able to do this, the Lord Jesus has given His Holy Spirit and has seated us in heavenly places where all principalities, powers and wicked spirits are under our feet.
He has restored the creation mandate back to human race in Christ. It has become His Kingdom Mandate! We are called to rule and reign with Him on earth by our obedience to His rule in every area of our lives; making Him Lord of all! The day will come when the kingdom of the earth will become Kingdom of our God. We are salt and light of the world to bring transformation into every area of society for Jesus! Amen!
Rev. 5:10 1Cor. 15:24-25 Rev 11:15 Matt.28:18-20
启5:10, 林前15:24-25,启11:15,太 28:18-20