Giving Every Child a Chance to Life 给每一位孩童得着生命的机会!
Grace Training Centre (“GTC”) is an initiative of Calvary Love Foundation,committed to providing education to stateless children. It is located at 3 shoplots in Apas Mile 5, Pekan Kinabutan.
Founded in 2010, GTC has impacted the lives of more than 500 children over the past years. We now have approximately 300 children between the age of 5 to 16 enrolled with us each year. The classes are divided into morning and afternoon sessions to cater to our students.
In 2016, GTC was granted the first ever license of its kind by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia to run the centre for the undocumented children. The Ministry proposed that the centre be named Pusat Bimbingan Alternatif Grace.
Now, the centre has a library, a computer lab, an office, staff room, a student lounge and 6 classrooms. Apart from basic language skills, maths and science, students at GTC also attend art, music and computer lessons. Our education programme for older students includes electrical works and cooking classes. We also train our students in character building.
It is only through education where lives of these undocumented children and their families can be transformed. We can all play a role in bringing progress and change to our world, by giving every child a chance to life!
Every year, periodic free medical checkups and school talks on various topics like Anti-Drug, Anti-Gambling and Fire Prevention are organised for these undocumented students in collaboration with other NGO’s and the authorities.
2016年,恩典训练中心获得了马来西亚教育部首次颁发这类型教育的准证,让这管理无国籍孩童的中心能运作。教育部提议把学校命名为 "Pusat Bimbingan Alternatif Grace"。
Sports Day Day 1 : Thursday, 5th July 2018 运动会第一天:星期四,2018年7月5日
Sports is an integral part of Grace Training Centre school calendar and every year students get the opportunity to participate in our annual Sports Day. Our younger pupils enjoyed a series of exciting game activities from spooning the egg to tug of war - there was something for everyone!
运动属于恩典训练中心日历中最重要的一部分,每年学生都有机会参加一年一度的运动会。我们的学生们享受了一系列令人兴奋的游戏活动,从舀鸡蛋到拔河比赛 - 每个人都有属于自己的强项。
Sports Day Day 2 : Friday, 6th July 2018 运动会第二天:星期五,2018年7月6日
It was held at the school field of SMK Kinabutan. The four houses : Red, Yellow, Green and Blue had tried their best to compete against each other to win. Students were competing individually to beat last year's school records and win 1st place, there was always great sportsmanship and team spirit within the houses. Once again, a big thank you to all our volunteers who came to support us to make our Sports Day a success. Not forgetting our generous sponsor, Swan Cake House for sponsoring delicious chocolate buns for our students.
运动会在SMK Kinabutan中学的学校操场举行。当中有个队伍分别是红队、黄队、青队和蓝队。为了赢得比赛,他们竭尽所能,打破学校去年的记录,要获得比赛的第一名。再次感谢所有前来支援的志愿者们,让我们的运动会圆满成功。我们也感谢赞助学生们巧克力小面包的天鹅蛋糕屋。
Familiarisation Programme for YB Jimmy Wong : Monday, 9th July 2018
首长署助理部长黄仕平探访 :星期一,2018年7月9日
A Familiarisation Programme for Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister and the newly appointed Representative of Sri Tanjung, Yang Berhormat Jimmy Wong, was held at Grace Training Centre. It was an initiative of Calvary Love Foundation to allow YB Jimmy Wong to have a deeper insight as to why a large number of children are unable to pursue their education due to them having incomplete identity documents or having no identity documents at all. During the programme, the students of Grace Training Centre put up a special performance and presentation for the visitors. The programme ended with light refreshments after YB Jimmy Wong was given a tour of Grace Training Centre.
Contribution of 2 units of Used Sewing Machines with 2 bundles of fabric : Friday, 27th July 2018
捐赠两台二手缝纫机以及两捆棉料 :星期五,2018年7月27日
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Hock Tat Import & Export Sdn Bhd for donating 2 units of used sewing machines with 2 bundles of fabric to our school. Your generous contribution has really made a difference in our school by allowing us to conduct sewing classes for our older students. So that, they can learn new skills and improve their future livelihood.
我们非常感谢Hock Tat进出口公司捐赠两台二手缝纫机以及两捆棉料给我们学校。您的慷慨捐献的确使我们学校与众不同,让我们能够为年纪较长的学生提供缝纫课程。因此,他们能够学习新的技能,改善他们未来的生活。
Visitation of DG Henry Tan and Rotarians from Rotary Club of Tawau : Thursday, 2nd Aug 2018
斗湖扶轮社DG Henry Tan探访 :星期四,2018年8月2日
We warmly welcomed DG Henry Tan and Rotarians from Rotary Club of Tawau to GTC. A guided tour of GTC and a brief introduction of GTC was given, so that, they had a better understanding of GTC and the work it had accomplished for the undocumented students over the years.
我们热烈欢迎DG Henry Tan和斗湖扶轮社来到恩典训练中心。他们在讲解下参观了学校,这样就能够更了解该校及这些年来为无证件孩童所做的工作。
Immunization Campaign : Friday, 3rd Aug 2018 免疫运动 :星期五,2018年8月3日
7 nurses from Klinik Kesihatan Ibu dan Anak Kinabutan ran the Immunization Campaign at GTC and giving vaccination to our students from K1 to Form 1. The students lined up patiently at the computer lab waiting for their turns to be vaccinated with the supervision of their teachers. We would like to express our sincere gratitute to Klinik Kesihantan Ibu dan Anak Kinabutan for partnering with us to make a difference in the lives of our students.
来自Klinik Kesihatan Ibu dan Anak Kinabutan的7名护士负责GTC的免疫接种运动,并为我们从K1到1年级的学生接种疫苗。在老师的监督下,学生们耐心地在计算机实验室排队等待轮到他们接种疫苗。我们衷心感谢Klinik Kesihantan Ibu dan Anak Kinabutan与我们合作,为我们的学生的生活带来改变。